How can Osteopathy Help With Knots in Muscles?

Posted On: 6/09/21 7:37 AM

How can Osteopathy Help With Knots in Muscles?

How can Osteopathy Help With Knots in Muscles? What are Muscle Knots? Knots in muscles are often described by people who suffer from back tightness or tension. These can correspond to myofascial trigger points, which cause pain and discomfort throughout the body. Tight spots in muscles can create areas of limited blood flow within the […]

What is Osteopathy, how it works and what are the benefits.

Posted On: 4/08/21 7:51 AM

What is Osteopathy

What is Osteopathy, how it works and what are the benefits? Osteopathy is allied health therapy that can be a suitable treatment of various conditions that may produce muscle or joint pain (for example Fibromyalgia, scoliosis, chronic neck pain and chronic low back pain). Osteopaths provide relief for pain and rehabilitation for muscle strains, joint-related […]

Calf dynamic stretch

Posted On: 10/07/17 5:17 AM

Calf dynamic stretch A great way to reduce calf tightness is with a calf dynamic stretch. Check out this video from Balance Osteopathy Melbourne. Soleus tri-plane dynamic stretch using knee driver #mycalfistight #grayinstitute #osteopathsouthmelbourne #mobility #stretches A post shared by Ben McChesney (@balanceosteopathy) on Jul 9, 2017 at 9:15pm PDT Click here to Follow us on […]

Tennis ball fix…

Posted On: 26/06/17 12:10 AM

Tennis ball fix Tennis ball fix “According to Glasgow-based massage therapist Trevor Chisman…one of the easiest ways to ease tension in the back is to spend a few minutes each day massaging the affected area with a tennis ball. “People who sit at a desk every day, hunched over a keyboard, tend […]

Massage health effects

Posted On: 20/06/17 5:43 AM

Massage health effects Massage health effects. Studies have shown massage is effective in treating a range of conditions. Improves circulation, reduces muscle tension and encourages a feeling of relaxation. There are many different types to choose from. Treatment of some disorders Modern studies have shown that it can be used to successfully treat a variety […]


Posted On: 8/05/17 9:17 AM

functional osteopath melbourne

How does gravity as relate to rehabilitation? We all know function occurs in an environment where gravity works for us (helps us roll down hill on our bikes) and against us (pushes down on us when rising up from a seated or squat position). Our muscles operate in synergy to allow us to move in […]

Moving in 3D

Posted On: 2/05/17 1:55 AM

3d functional stretching

Moving in 3D When we reach for something, lunge, participate in an activity, our body is moving in 3D or dimensions. We do not just move in a forward backward motion, but side to side, and rotation as well. Even if the movement is aimed at moving us forward, if we watch from above (e.g. […]

OMT for chronic nonspecific neck pain

Posted On: 28/01/16 11:59 PM

OMT Osteopathic manipulative treatment for chronic nonspecific neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Volume 18, Issue 4, December 2015, Pages 255–267 Helge Franke, Jan-David Franke, Gary Fryer OMT.. Evidence supports the use of Osteopathic treatment for the management of chronic neck pain… “Objectives Nonspecific neck pain is common, disabling, and costly. […]