January Ambitions.
January Ambitions
Often January symbolizes a new start and an opportunity to engage in new fitness regimes and nutritional programs. We may start some ‘January ambitions’..It is also a time that often is besieged by injury due to over zealous engagement in these goal driven programs without proper preparation. At Balance Osteopathy we are all for seizing this motivational period and working towards new health goals but suggest working through these with a personal trainer, nutritionist or health professional at least to begin with to give a safe and effective structure to these. Apart from making injury, or adverse reactions to heavy exercise programs that you may be unaccustomed to less likely to occur; this timely guidance may enable a more effective progression towards your fitness and health goals.
Furthermore, less activity during the December period can lead to muscle and joint stiffness, or imbalance, that can predispose the body to strain as we then load up the body during exercises. The body is very good at hiding restriction or tightness by compensating in other areas (for example tightness in the hamstring muscles producing low back pain after a run). These dysfunctions however can begin to show themselves when we are fatigued toward the end of an intensive exercise session, or when moving heavy weights without appropriate preparation. At Balance Osteopathy we can conduct a functional movement screen to determine which areas need working on in terms of functional flexibility and stability in conjunction with your regular training program.
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