Getting back into running
Getting back into running
Injury Tip One – Increase Slowly:
Many people get so excited by the warmer weather and impatient at their slow progress that they go from 3 months on the lounge to attempting a marathon in 4 weeks – this is a recipe for disaster. Make sure you increase your running and training times by small increments only – a 5 -10% increase in either distance or time each week is plenty and will ensure you stay pain free. One of the biggest predictors of injury in runners is rapidly increasing training volume – the more training you do the greater the risk it is simple maths.
Injury Tip Two – Check your Shoes:
Many people get excited about starting a training program however they make the mistake of grabbing their favourite pair of 5 year old trainers and then wonder why they get foot, knee and leg pain 2 weeks into their program. Foam in shoes hardens over time with running and becomes less shock absorbing. Perhaps look into getting an assessment at places like Active Feet to determine a shoe that works for you if you are due for a new pair. If you are keen to try barefoot running, Soled, in Hampton stock a good range. Be sure to get some advice on how to go about integrating barefoot training though.
Injury Tips Three – Watch out for Hills:
Many new runners get injuries due to following a route that has too many hills in it – hill running is a great training tool but hills also cause incredible demands on the joints of the lower body and can accelerate injury risk in certain people. Try and stay on the flat for the first month and then add some hills in as your fitness improves – it is better to be running on the flat than not running at all.
Injury Tip Four – Get a Check-Up:
We mentioned a moment ago that one of the biggest predictors of injury is training volume – the other biggest predictor is past injury history. It amazes us here at Balance Osteopathy the number of people that had an injury at the end of their last training or sport season – and do not have any treatment of assessment on that area prior to starting next seasons training . The injury may have left some scar tissue, reduced range or muscle weakness that will greatly increase the injury risk when training resumes. Working on these restrictions in can be of benefit in terms of comfort when running and injury prevention. We can also use functional movement tests to determine how to improve your running mechanics.
Injury Tip Five – Warm Up:
At Balance Osteopathy, we can take you through running specific 5 minute dynamic warm up techniques to ready you for your run each day. Alternatively, ensure you do some dynamic stretches and movement to raise your body temperature and heart rate prior to commencing your run.
Enjoy getting out there!
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