How can Osteopathy Help With Knots in Muscles?

Posted On: 6/09/21 7:37 AM

How can Osteopathy Help With Knots in Muscles?

How can Osteopathy Help With Knots in Muscles? What are Muscle Knots? Knots in muscles are often described by people who suffer from back tightness or tension. These can correspond to myofascial trigger points, which cause pain and discomfort throughout the body. Tight spots in muscles can create areas of limited blood flow within the […]

Heath Williams on ergonomics.

Posted On: 25/02/20 11:52 PM

Heath Williams of principle four osteopathy in Melbourne, and Corporate Work Health Australia (CWHA) discusses ergonomic principles and tips with Stevan Eskaf on the Challenge Podcast. “Your next posture is your best posture” is a great suggestion put forward regarding focus on regular movement and variable postures rather than staying in one position all day.

Sit to stand desk use

Posted On: 10/05/17 11:00 PM

Sit to stand desk use Sit stand desk Sit stand desk use is discussed in this article which highlights the potential benefit of regularly switching between sitting and standing to reduce musculoskeletal risk in the office setup. Sit to stand desk…

Can you cure posture?

Posted On: 8/11/15 6:00 AM

Can you cure posture? Can you cure posture? Interesting article on the various influences on our posture… Author: Jonathan Flynn Programme Leader – Physiotherapy, University of Huddersfield “Posture is not a rigid concept. It represents something more fluid with considerable range for change. Despite this, it is often oversimplified, rightly or wrongly, as being “good” […]

Manual Handling Training- ‘SAID’

Posted On: 11/03/14 3:26 AM

Manual Handling Training- ‘SAID’ Completed a discussion of risk assessment and manual handling training with the fifth year students at VUT Osteopathy today. We discussed the need to either change the demands of the task- load, reps, duration, range etc. or increase the capacity of the worker to complete the task- increasing flexibility, stability through […]

Functional Bike Fit

Posted On: 5/02/14 10:30 AM

  Getting into riding or recently got a new bike for commuting or weekend blitz’s? Getting setup properly and ensuring you have adequate flexibility for the individual setup of your bike and the way you ride may help reduce the risk of discomfort or injury when you get cranking. At Balance Osteopathy, by using a […]

Functional Movement Screening Needs Specificity

Posted On: 26/11/13 10:25 AM

functional movement screening needs specificity A recent study into lifting either symmetrically or asymmetrically found no significant difference in peak low back loading levels between a group with a high score (>14) on the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), versus a low score (<14) on the FMS screen. “Previous research suggests that a general whole-body movement […]