Road map to longevity and vitality.

Posted On: 20/01/25 10:24 AM

Do you want to live forever? It’s an interesting philosophical question. One we might ponder as average lifespans increase and as we age ourselves. But then, in what sort of condition? Sound of mind but perhaps unable to be physically capable, or having mental cognition issues albeit being mobile and active? Ideally, we might wish […]

Desk Warrior stretches

Posted On: 14/01/25 10:17 AM

Working long hours at the desk and not moving much? Heres some simple movements and stretches you can do at the desk, but try to get up, walk and take breaks also… 1. Seated spinal rotation While seated, cross your arms over your chest. Grab your shoulders. Rotate your upper body from the waist, turning gently […]

January Ambitions.

Posted On: 13/01/25 11:13 AM

January Ambitions. Often January symbolizes a new start and an opportunity to engage in new fitness regimes and nutritional programs. It is also a time that often is besieged by injury due to over zealous engagement in these goal driven programs without proper preparation. At Balance Osteopathy we are all for seizing this motivational period […]

Getting back into running

Posted On: 12/01/25 10:42 AM

Getting back into running Injury Tip One Increase Slowly: Many people get so excited by the warmer weather and impatient at their slow progress that they go from 3 months on the lounge to attempting a marathon in 4 weeks this is a recipe for disaster. Make sure you increase your running and training times […]

Hip mobility to help back pain

Posted On: 10/01/25 10:15 AM

Hip mobility to help back pain Hip mobility and low back pain are closely related. Restricted hip mobility can cause compensations in the lower back, leading to low back pain. Conversely, low back pain can also cause compensations in the hips, leading to restricted hip mobility. When the hip joint is tight, it can limit […]

Ankle stiffness and tight hips?

Posted On: 18/12/24 10:11 AM

Ankle stiffness and tight hips? As osteopaths, we treat the body as a ‘unit’. in other words as we move in activity we create a chain reaction of movement through our body. Limitations in one area of the body (e.g. your ankle) can therefore often create symptoms in locations distant to this stiffness (e.g. hip […]

Simple neck pain stretches

Posted On: 14/12/24 10:09 AM

There are many stretches that can be helpful for neck pain. Here are five examples: Chin tuck: Sit or stand with good posture and gently tuck your chin in towards your chest. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then release. Repeat 5-10 times. Neck rotation: Sit or stand with good posture and slowly turn your head to […]

Simple stretches for low back pain

Posted On: 12/12/24 10:06 AM

Low back pain stretches There are many stretches that can be helpful for low back pain. Here are some examples: Knee-to-chest stretch: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring one knee up towards your chest and hold onto it with both hands. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch […]

Tennis Elbow

Posted On: 6/12/24 10:01 AM

Tennis Elbow Tennis elbow is a condition associated with pain on the outside of the elbow and forearm. It is also called ‘lateral epicondylitis’ and is associated with inflammation and/or degeneration of the tendons of the forearm at their attachment point to the elbow. The onset can often be quite gradual but is generally associated […]

End of year neck issues?

Posted On: 3/12/24 10:21 AM

Getting neck or upper back pain? Need to get your body sorted and moving freely again before the end of the year but still have a million things to get done? Try some regular movement breaks to get up out of your chair. Using a heat pack across the shoulders for 5-10 mins periodically can relieve […]